Subdividing land may be as simple as separating two dwellings on a lot into two individually titled properties, or as complex as creating multiple allotments from a single property.
When subdividing land we suggest first talking to a Planning Officer at the local Council to get some preliminary advice as to whether your property is suitable for subdivision.
The Planning Officer will look at many issues and may also advise of the requirement of the provision of such things as:
- The total area of the property
- Street frontages available
- Car parking (for existing buildings)
- Safe access points to public roads
- Nature strips & landscaping
- Open space
- Reserves or parkland
- The availability of service/utilities such as:
* Electricity
* Gas
* Sewage
* Telephone
* Water
After you have had a discussion with your local council and you have decided to go ahead with the subdivision you will need to appoint a surveyor to come to your property. The surveyor will measure your property and decide, with you, the best position for the new proposed boundaries. Your surveyor will then draw up the proposal plan and make the Application for the Planning Permit.
Please contact this office before consulting your land surveyor so we may initiate your file and assist you and your surveyor with this process.
If your property is suitable for subdividing in principal and you decide to apply for a Planning Permit the council will then send out copies of your proposal to various other authorities (water, electricity, VIC Roads, etc), and possibly neighbours for comments. The council will then be responsible for providing you with the three approvals you will require in order to subdivide your land;
* Issue of the Planning Permit (usually contains conditions that must be satisfied)
* Certification of the Final Survey Plan, showing the exact boundaries & measurements
* Statement of Compliance (issued when the conditions of the Planning Permit have been satisfied)
Buying and or selling property can be one of the biggest decisions made in life, and we understand the stress and uncertainty it can place on you.
Over our 26 years we have not only expanded but streamlined our services so we can take a lot of the stress and pressure out of Conveyancing by doing the running around and work that other Solicitors & Conveyancers will make you do!
© 2016 Balben Property Transfers & Conveyancing. Ballarat, Victoria. Brarkman Pty Ltd ACN 097 926 308.
Website by: Cressaid Logic